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Old papers

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:00 pm
by Hugues Deshayes

I am investigating the connection between electric fields and underground water and I am trying to locate the papers of De Vita and Jemma (1933/1934) on the subject.

Any ideas anyone ?



Electric fields theories

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:11 pm
by Ian Pegler
Hi Hughes

I don't know anything about the two authors you mention but I was very interested to read your paper on Electric Fields which will appear in the December Edition of Dowsing Today, you'll be pleased to know.

I seem to remember Jim Lyons in at the 2003 congress commenting that the Electro-Magnetic theories had "not stood the test of time" but I remain open minded.

Didn't Yves Rocard and Solco Tromp do work on this type of thing?


Old papers on electric fields

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:35 am
by Hugues Deshayes
Hi Ian,

Thank you for your kind words on my article. Another small thing I did not mention in it is that when an electric field is brought near someone's body, or vice versa, a voltage is set up in it. Nothing new in that, but it would be interresting to check if this also the case for a dowser approaching an underground stream. If it does, this would mean that the dowser can be made aware of the presence of a E-field/stream, without the need for any dowsing tools. This will be object on my next outdoors experiment.

I have read several books by Yves Rocards but none by Solco Tromp and I will try to obtain a copy of his book "Psychical Physics".

Many thanks for your interest and your assistance.



Tromp Book

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:33 am
by Ian Pegler
Hughes wrote:I will try to obtain a copy of his book "Psychical Physics".
I believe the BSD may have a copy of this in their archive.

All the best


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:26 am
by Richard L. Farr
+the BSD MUST have a copy of professor Tromp's 1949 work in their library since the work was heavily commented on in the BSD Journals of the time, and since Tromp's work was the single most important objective scientific validation (University sponsored, in the Netherlands) of dowsing phenomena published up to that time (NOTE: nothing has come close to this level of research validation since that time; even the late Robert Becker, in his final book, "Crosscurrents", refers to the Tromp work as the most relevant, scientifically, in the dowsing field);
+Psychical Physics may be obtained as a reprint from Borderland Sciences on the internet;
+I do not believe that the central explanation for dowsing and other radiesthetic phenomena is to be found in (conventionally understood) electromagnetism, but at the same time I am convinced from the work done by Tromp (and many other earlier investigators) that there is some degree of connection with electromagnetic and light wave aspects of our bodies and of our material universe environment involved in dowsing and other radiesthetic phenomena.