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Post by Grahame »

I'm starting this thread to give new members a chance to introduce themselves. Often it's like jumping in at the deep end when you are new to a forum and trying to absorb all the information before contributing to an existing discussion; topics like this make it easier for newbies to dip a toe into the water, as it were.

If you're new to forums and need help with posting, look in the Forum Matters section - there are a couple of tutorials in there.

Like all forums, we get a lot of 'lurkers' - people who register and then never post anything. Although this is absolutely fine, it would make my life as moderator a lot easier if you could make at least one post when you register. This lets us know that there is a genuine person behind the username - we do get a lot of fake registrations who post commercial or obscene websites in their profiles, and it takes time to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
So this is where you can tell us a little bit about yourself and your dowsing interests, or just say "hi". Don't be shy on the 'post reply' button! :)
Last edited by Grahame on Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it - Terry Pratchett.
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Post by ED »

[Good afternoon.

I am on a break from installing a new rainwater gully on my house.
The underground pipe does not go where I thought it should and is not the right size so they tell me. Bit ironic really.

I first tried out dowsing at a party about twenty years ago. Very odd it was. I made some rods later using the steel strips from wiper blades.
Joined BSD some years ago read the magazine but did nothing else.

I did not believe in all this paranormal "nonsense" until, quite a long time ago, the paranormal came looking for me so to speak.

The reason for contacting this society is because I have finally decided to try to find out what is going on in the world.

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Post by Grahame »

Hello Ed, and welcome to the forum. Glad to hear that you're taking more of an active interest in dowsing these days. This is certainly the place to get good advice on your dowsing problems.

Tell us a bit more abut your rainwater pipe - did you dowse to find the course of it and then discover that your dowsing was wrong?
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it - Terry Pratchett.
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My drain pipe

Post by ED »

Grahame wrote:Tell us a bit more abut your rainwater pipe - did you dowse to find the course of it and then discover that your dowsing was wrong?
No - no subtle energies, no real expectations at all.
I followed the cast iron down pipe to the original soil level at a depth of about a metre then down through a long buried concrete foot path and there it was, the old clay earth pipe going away at right angles to where I thought it would, bearing in mind the slope and where the septic tank is.

Where does it go?
Who knows? Who cares?
The blockage is cleared and eveything works now amd I can put the new drain and down pipe in and bury the lot.
I have no trained and polished dowsing skills and the area below ground is cluttered with buried rubbish and the ducts I put in for power cables for lights and a fountain.

There is a mystery reaction at the bottom of the garden. A crossing of the rods one pace wide but on digging down about two feet there is Cotswold brash undisturbed since the ice ages, so they tell me.

Under the garden wall is a medieval road but I found that by digging after the old wall fell on me and I decided to put in better footings.

So - badly in need of training and practise.
And all our ghosts have gone.

It is a very mysterious world isn't it

Thank you for the response.

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Post by Dan Lawrence »


Im a newbie

I have a faint memory of owning a book in the late 80's entitled 'how to dowse crop circles' which first fired up my interest in the subject but unfortunatley didnt pursue it any further, then lost the book (probably not worth dowsing for it since lost so long ago and it was pamphlet like so now probably pulp), no idea what happened to it & didnt come across the subject again until I read some Hamish Miller books about 3 years ago which re-ignited my interest to the point of deciding to actually 'have a go'. I didnt know of any other dowsers locally to join up with so found myself becoming crtitical of any results and wanting verification of correct practice so signed up to BSD approved intro course at Regents Park College in late April of this year tutored by Vicky Sweetlove. This was exactly what was required, since then i have been dowsing almost daily and subsequently can reccomend these course to any other newbies.

I was telling a journalist mate about all this in a pub in clerkenwell having quickly got onto the subject because i had been dowsing around the local landmarks en-route, such as trying to find the Well & the orginal HQ of the Knights Templars/Hospitallers etc.

He now wants me to write a short basic introductory article on the subject targeted at the magazines audience. The magazine is all about the positive benefits of being 'idle'. They want the article to appear in the section of the magazine entitled 'Practical things for idle people to do'. Given the quite relaxing nature of dowsing i.e. not requiring huge physical effort like white water rafting for example, i think this is a good idea but am slightly worried the connection with 'idle' might cause some to think im belittling it although this is certainly not the case.

What do u think ?

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Post by Grahame »

Hi Dan, and welcome to the forum. Glad to hear about your positive experiences on Vicky's course. It's often the case when you're self-taught that you reach a point where you don't know how to progress further in your dowsing, and working with a good tutor is the best way to learn how to take it further. I had a similar experience myself; taught myself pendulum and L-rod dowsing in my teens, then didn't know what to do with it for many years afterwards, until I hooked up with a good teacher. Since then, I haven't looked back.

As regards your magazine article, unless you deliberately write it that way, I don't see how it would be belittling dowsing. Many of us have busy lives, and it is only in 'idle' time that many people can get out and about with the dowsing rods (although that's not to say there is no place for dowsing in everyday life. I am rarely out of the house without a pendulum and folding L-rods in my pocket!).
I'm sure your enthusiasm for the subject will make it clear that it is a serious subject with many practical applications in daily life.

Let us know how you get on.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it - Terry Pratchett.


Post by Zara »

Hello. Just discovered your site today. Have only tried dowsing before using a pendulum a few times for answers to specific questions. Have always had an interest in the paranormal and have recently been searching for information on leys / energy lines. Dowsing for energy lines is all very new to me and I have a few questions in relation to them and negative energy. I hope you can bear with me, forgive my ignorance and help me with my questions:

1. Can leys cause negativity in a home ie. for the occupants to feel tired and down?

2. I have read on the site that it is possible to relocate leys - is it possible that they can also move themselves over a period of time or due to some other natural cause?

3. If your home is located beside electricity transformers, rivers or monumental sites - does this have an effect - positive or negative?

Thank you in anticipation of a response. :)
Dan Wilson

Re: Newbie

Post by Dan Wilson »

Zara wrote: 1. Can leys cause negativity in a home ie. for the occupants to feel tired and down?
Lesson 1: there are two (maybe more) sharply disagreeing views on what the word "ley" should be used for. Until about 1965 it was purely used for "apparent alignment between ancient habitations, temples and fortifications" based on the term "ley alignment" in Alfred Watkins's 1925 book "The Old Straight Track". Then in its sense "invisible alignment" it got extended to mean pretty well any dowsable linear phenomenon, but since a dowser can manufacture one by thought-power, this laid it open to having pretty well no meaning at all other than "thoughtform in the shape of a line of some sort". The war is between "respect Watkins" and "anything goes" adherents. I tend towards No 1.

Rephrasing this question, there are often dowsable alignments in places associated with a dowsable negative effect on people there, but it is moot whether the alignment is causative in itself or a read-out of something else. In a tutorial in Spain I asked 9 novice class members to draw out all the "negative alignments" on the site they could find. They produced about 15 lines in all, mostly straight ones, but only shared one of them.

I have the view that such things are no more than a plot of stress on the client or dowser (depending on how the quest is pitched) created by an association of the site with a unconscious traumatic memory they have, and in service of this view (we are not talking about truth here) "read out" by other techniques than pure dowsing the characteristic of each alignment and its relevance to the particular student who had detected it. Typically they had inflated animal instinctual fears such as unsafe ground, rejection by the herd, fire, etc. The shared alignment related to the commonest problem which is fear of fire - which can mean radiation, phone towers, place of sacrifice by fire, etc.

So I'm saying "yes" if you change "cause" to "indicate". Sorry this was so long.
2. I have read on the site that it is possible to relocate leys - is it possible that they can also move themselves over a period of time or due to some other natural cause?
Read up Robert Leftwich. He was an iconoclastic dowser who used to annoy water-diviners at BSD Congresses by removing not just "leys" but water they were trying to detect. It's wide open, really, you can do anything like this - and undo it if you suspect that anyone else has done it. Of course, this gets us into the danger of detecting things that aren't physically there. Wing Commander Clive Beadon: "Once you have hold of a fantasy, it will grow arms and legs." Oo-er. And yes, earthworks along the line of an alignment can have an effect on it, I think because bits of it remain in the ground in a disturbed layout. This can also happen with haunted houses which are rebuilt with the old materials: the haunting remains but it's incoherent.
3. If your home is located beside electricity transformers, rivers or monumental sites - does this have an effect - positive or negative?
Only if you possess notable unconscious fears about fire or lightning. Before radio these were very common. My mother was at Sandbanks near Poole in 1905 when Marconi was experimenting on the clifftop with transmission to France. A lot of local women got acute headaches and were sure it was the wireless, but were told by the doctors they were hysterics. If you dowse it, though, they were right.

There is always a tendency once stressed towards self-healing, so we acclimatise to such things. In that regard, no doubt electrical stuff can be a good thing as well as a bad, and even both at once.

Post by Zara »

Thank you for your views Dan, I appreciate it.
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Post by SLAH »


I have joined this forum in the hope of learning more about dowsing. I have recently uncovered an ability to use a pendulum and so would like to learn more.

I currently live in Kent and work at Canary Wharf, London. So, if there are any courses going near me, please let me know.

Webwitch :D
"Never be a passive listener or learner" ~ Christian Gottfried Hahnemann
Dan Wilson


Post by Dan Wilson »

Webwitch wrote:I currently live in Kent and work at Canary Wharf, London. So, if there are any courses going near me, please let me know.
Rather quaintly the BSD site doesn't guide you to "Courses" from its home page, it only lists them under "Events" and then "Tutorial Events". I don't think this is the intuitive route.

I do an annual course at East Grinstead but <flashing lights, warning bells> this is not under Society auspices and so potentially Bad, Misleading and Dangerous. I.e. if you want the standard approach go the BSD-approved route.
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Post by REE01 »

I enjoyed The Societies PDF articles and site, then registered to pick up more insight on the other facets of dowsing from your established members. I'm here the other side of the Big Pond in Florida. No Dowsing societies within 115 miles of my location.
My name is Russ Evans. My interest in psychic phenomena started with my desire to develop a conscious awareness to pre cognitive abilities that lay recessed in my mind activated randomly over the years. I began this journey through reading a remote viewing article, and began gathering my own verifiable feedback afterward for proof positive testing. While practicing, experimenting and discovering this ability I began shifting into a empathic awareness of my volunteers movements hundreds sometimes thousands of miles away, and built upon it experimenting. Then mental imagery and body scanning was introduced to me as something I should try by a past student of The Monroe Institute. Not being able to clearly envision and hold pictorial images in my mind as suggested, having always drawn I drew a surrogate human outline accessing individual components by will and intent to the different layers within the human body. Sweeping with my pen halting on impacted areas and invented my own method out of necessity to my limitations, and coined it "Pensweep" over time. Which in the end brought me to use and form a hybrid mix of several self taught modalities. Dowsing in the forefront.

I would be glad to trade blank practice maps you know the result's of and have recorded, or blank body scan reviews I've done remotely and recorded to send as practice partners. My yahoo Sn is ree01pensweep should anyone want to send a PM from this site or an E-Mail thru Yahoo and be looking for a partner to learn from, experiment distantly or share ideas with. I sure would enjoy hearing from anyone interested in my area also !

Thanks for this Site, Info and hopefully long friendships ahead !!! :)
Last edited by REE01 on Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi there!!

Post by TommyB »


I am new to dowsing and new to this forum! I first heard about dowsing a few years back, but only ever associated it to geopathic stress, underground water etc. However, have realised that dowsing can be used for just about anything!

My Wife, Vicky, is also interested in dowsing. We are reading a couple of books but were very new and just learning the skills.

Looking forward to sharing some good conversation with you all.


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Post by Grahame »

Hi Tommy, and welcome to the forum. Look forward to your postings.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it - Terry Pratchett.

Just saying hello

Post by Cerne »

Just wanted so say hello.And not lurk.

This is my first vist to this forum.Just want to learn more on dowsing.I have used dowsing in the past to find lost objects,identify spirits of place and a few other things.As a Witch i want to learn more on this old country folks art.

I am just about to move into
a new flat that has a well outside.I noticed where the shower is theres a draining,spinning feeling.So i can only asume the water table under the house is somewhere there.

Any ideas on how to deal with this?

Thanks for your time.

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